“Mostly music you won’t read about everywhere else.”
P.O. Box 812 Tannersville, NY 12485 • www.urbanrag.net/urbanrag.html
jonathan@mentgroup.com • 518 734 6985 vox • 734 6995 fax

Spring has Sprung,

And with it, this issue of Urban Rag. We hope you enjoy this sampling of CD and Show reviews, a handful of DVD write-ups, travelogues, and coverage of what some thought would be the last ever CMJ Music Marathon.

Over the many months since last we met, there have been too many dips in the force. Not the least of which was the passing of the great Johnny Cash. Months later, the five-disc Cash Unearthed was released, and while the name might be in questionable taste, the music therein was not. Five discs including past American Recordings, and previously unreleased material - including a full CD of hymns. I liked it - there’s your review. We also lost Joe Strummer and too many others to mention. Folks are still dying in desert.

War is over if you want it
Jonathan Ment, publisher.

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Good News !

Sex Still Sells in Times Square